How to Clean a Kinetico Water Softener?

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How to Clean a Kinetico Water Softener?

To really understand how to clean a Kinetico water softener it helps to know what exactly “cleaning it” really means. Whereas in most other cases, cleaning is the removal of dirt, in the case of a water softener part of what you are doing is getting rid of the impurities that the softener takes out of the water, which is why you use it in the first place. If you use a Kinetico water softener to remove the calcium and magnesium in your water, those elements don’t just disappear into the air: they are removed by a chemical process and it all gets a bit scientific if you analyze it. Suffice it to say that introducing certain types of salt in the system, attracts calcium and magnesium and takes them out of the water. However, they remain attached to the sodium ions and resin beads and need to be removed.

How Often Should You Clean Your Kinetico Water Softener?

There is no absolute figure to put on this. It depends to a great extent on what levels of impurities you’re dealing with. But as a rule of thumb, you should carry out the process every year or so – possibly less often. You will know when something needs to be done, just as you would with any other form of cleaning.

What are the Signs That it Needs Cleaning?

While routine maintenance is a preventive measure, you will notice when action really needs to be taken because there will be an unfamiliar smell that you don’t like and, of course, bad smells are one of nature’s ways of letting us know there is something amiss.

Another telltale sign is if the process isn’t doing its job so well anymore, so you will be getting the limescale in your kitchen appliances again and that funny feeling on your skin after a shower. That means you’re back to square one – almost. Except now you have the means to resolve the situation and you just need to get it back on track.

What Part of the System Do You Need to Look at?

Look at the brine tank – and consult the manual that came with your system. This will tell you what type of salt is used (granular, block or tablet). Check your salt level and if it is less than a quarter, bring it up to just under two-thirds.

Look for salt bridges: lines of salt that have formed. See if there is salt attached to the sides of the tank. If you tap the tank and the deposit doesn’t dislodge easily, you have work to do. Remember, though the salt itself is not the problem; it is there to play an active part.

Shut off the water supply to the tank and then empty it.

Clean the brine tank with washing up liquid and hot water or a special product formulated for the job. Use a scrubbing brush if you like but resist the temptation to use bleach or other harsh chemicals. Flush the tank well.

Restore the Kinetico Water System to its Original Condition

Having done your physical cleaning, you can now reintroduce the water and the salt, as per the instructions. It’s a simple process that doesn’t take long and basically requires a commonsense approach, so don’t be afraid of it.

If you have reservations about it, call the company that installed the Kinetico water softener system and get them to do it.
